This past week I took five days away from work, away from my family and friends, away from social media to sit in silence and do… nothing. Seriously.
If you’ve ever heard about those weirdos who sit in silence for days at a time meditating somewhere in the forest, well – I became one of those weirdos.
I attended a Jewish Meditation retreat with Or Ha Lev, co-sponsored by Pardes and NYU Center for Spirituality. It was five days of silence, meditation, chanting, and contemplating life. I drove out to Waynesboro, Pennsylvania (which in case you haven’t heard of Waynesboro, PA -there’s next to nothing there), with my yoga mat in tow and embarked on one of the most transformative experiences in my entire life.
Now, I know that last sentence seems like a lot, a bit Eat, Pray, Love of me – but truly, it was. That’s not to say it didn’t come with road bumps, because there were. Plenty of them. Which is why I wanted to take some time to write out the various expectations I had vs. the reality of what happened.
The first day honestly felt like the longest day of my entire life. May I remind you that I’ve lived in remote villages in Nepal, and I’ve also spent several weeks living in an ashram in the south of India. But no, the first day of silence felt so painstakingly long and BORING, I immediately thought about escaping into the woods.
Every sitting meditation was excruciatingly long and painful, my back ached, I felt really alone and bored, and pretty much just started judging everyone around me.
I thought that if every day was going to be like this, I might as well pack it home, because there would be no way I could survive this particularly cruel type of torture.
My expectations going into this retreat were:
The reality on day one:
Something happened on day two: I began to settle in to my surroundings. When the morning bells rung at 5:45am I felt energized, and ready to dive into my first 45 minute sitting meditation at 6:15am.
I started to really focus on my breath, and even begin to feel in my body where thoughts and feelings were coming up. I began to see everyone around me as individuals who were all going through something of their own. When they cried, I cried. When they laughed, I laughed. We were all connected.
I still dozed off during one of my meditations, and I did question why I was there sometimes when I could have been hanging out with my family, and enjoying myself rather than being in my own thoughts and reflecting on every life decision. But hey, I was getting deeper into my meditations and actually started to look forward to them rather than dreading them.
There were several things that led to a transformation in me and I want to list them out here:
1. We had small group meetings where we were allowed to talk, and share with the teacher what we were struggling with. Being able to hear others around me express their own fears, frustrations, emotions, family drama, relationship hardships, etc. really put me at ease and made me feel like I was not alone in my struggles and thoughts. It was an excellent lesson that we ALL deal with things in our lives, and NO ONE has it all together. And if they tell you they do, they’re lying.
2. They call it a meditation practice for a reason. Just like a sport, or musical instrument – the more you practice, the “better” you get. Now, I’m not going to measure one meditation “better” than another, but I will say that it became easier for me to sit still and focus on my breath and awareness of the present moment. Before coming to this retreat, I was meditating every day – but I was meditating for five minutes. For me, that was what I felt I could reasonably do on a daily basis. On retreat, we would sit for 45 minutes to an hour, several times throughout the day. The more I sat down to meditate, the easier it became to go for longer periods. And with longer meditations, came more insight.
3. Being away from my phone, and being in nature completely healed me. It’s funny, but we don’t tend to notice how much technology impacts our lives. But when you work on a computer all day long, check your phone constantly, and then go home and watch TV – it’s easy to forget what shutting down actually feels like. Not only did I not have cell service, but my entertainment became the trees, sky, and little insects on tree barks. One afternoon I just watched the rain fall for 20 minutes – twenty! I began to notice droplets of water on leaves, small ripples in a lake, mushrooms growing on the side of a log, and the sounds of rushing water. One day, I was walking so slowly (this was part of our meditation practice) that I noticed a tiny ant. And I stopped. I watched it crawl around for a bit and then continued on. The point I’m trying to make is that I was able to truly slow down. And that was incredible.
4. I had the time and space to examine my life deeply. This may be the most scary. For many of us, we continue on our daily habits and routines and don’t question much. I unearthed many things during this retreat, things that I had swept underneath the rug and didn’t want to deal with. On retreat, I was forced to confront these things, and also accept them, and myself, as they are with loving-kindness and self-compassion.
There were so many things I learned on this retreat, but the number one thing I want to share is that everyone needs to start meditating. Whether you do it for five minutes per day, or 45 minutes per day – cultivating a practice of awareness will truly shift your life for the positive.
So if you’re looking to start meditating, I’ll recommend a few things to help you on your own meditation journey:
If you have any questions about mindfulness meditation you can let me know in the comments or reach out via email ( or on Instagram!
Have you ever meditated? Would you ever attend a meditation retreat?
Hi friends! I’m so excited to share today’s post all about healthy gifts for the holiday season. The holiday season is in full swing, and finding that *perfect* gift for the ones you love is something like a sport. When you know what to get your fitness junkie friend, your aunt who loves yoga, or your bestie who is obsessed with skincare, you kind of feel like you just nailed it.
I’ve divided the post into a few categories to make sure you get exactly what your friends and family actually want – no returns this year. The categories are: the yogi, the clean beauty lover, the wellness mama, the foodie, and the fitness junkie. I either own or have tried many of the items on this list, and know you’re going to absolutely love it! Happy shopping and happy holidays!
note: this post does contain affiliate links
This may have been the hardest collection to narrow down! It’s safe to say I’m a little clean beauty obsessed – having worked at Follain, and tried dozens and dozens of products, I’ve narrowed it down to my absolute favorites (not an easy feat!). Rest assured, I’ve done all the hard work for you, and any of these gifts would be incredible!
I hope you loved this gift guide, and let me know what you end up purchasing on Instagram! Happy holidays friends!
Meditation has become an incredible tool in my life. Meditation helps decrease my stress, anxiety, and encourages me to be more mindful of every-day moments. In short, meditation is a daily and life-long practice that brings me peace and joy. Studies have also shown that meditation can aid in disordered eating, behavioral problems among children, and even increase cortical thickness and cognitive capacity. But how do you even start meditating? It seems so difficult and time consuming. Well friends, I’ve rounded up my favorite meditation apps to help you get started on your way.
We’ve all heard it before, mindfulness is the magic key to happiness, success, great love, etc. But how? How do we cultivate a mindfulness practice that isn’t intimidating or time consuming?
I’ve been practicing mindfulness meditation in waves for the past five years, and there is something truly powerful in implementing small steps that can last throughout the years.
So let’s get started!
Starting the day by saying OUT LOUD what you are grateful is an incredible way to start your day because you are shifting your focus on the positive. Sure, there will always be deadlines, relationship stress, and life’s little worrisome moments, but by starting your day by pointing out the blessings in your life, you are mentally shifting to being positive.
PRO TIP: I use a gratitude journal, because I like to put pen to paper. But you can lay in bed and just name 1-3 things that you are grateful for.
Have a partner that you share a bed with? Share your daily gratitudes with each other and spread that positivity!
This one can be a little tough. If you find yourself in a stressful situation, try stepping back and taking three deep breaths. You can do this right at your desk. Close your eyes, step away from your screen and inhale deeply feeling your ribs expand. Hold your breath for half a second at the top, and gently release and exhale it all out. If you feel comfortable, let out a sigh at the end of your exhale and feel yourself physically de-stress.
Try a mini-meditation by taking three deep breaths every hour, or once in the morning, afternoon, and evening. Taking a step back to breathe can be incredibly powerful.
Before you take a bite of your food, take a moment to say thanks. This could be a blessing, or it could be a mental note. I like to take a second to think about where my food came from. Did my herbs come from my garden? Thank you seeds for sprouting into this food. Did my eggs come from my CSA? Thank you farmers and thank you chickens for laying those delicious eggs.
Buy your food at the supermarket? No problem! Thank you supermarket workers! Thank you food chain for giving me this food.
When we practice gratitude, deep breathing, and taking a moment before eating we cultivate a life of mindfulness. Small acts lead to big shifts. By adding in these small daily practices, you will begin to see the world differently. You will be more at peace with yourself and the world around you.
Have you tried any of these mindfulness practices? What is your biggest challenge to living a mindful life? Let me know in the comments below!
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