If you want to listen to the full episode head over to: www.wellspringnutrition.co/healing-in-fertility


Hello. Welcome back to the very last episode in this mini podcast series. I’m so happy you’ve stuck with me this whole time. So far, we’ve talked about the different reasons that you might be struggling with trying to conceive things that you have thought were working but probably are hurting you or not really doing anything. We talked about different functional lab tests and how that can really accelerate your fertility timeline. We also talked about different diets for fertility and what is truly needed to achieve your pregnancy goals. And in the very last episode, we heard from one of my past clients, Amanda, who told you all about her experience working with me and using functional nutrition for fertility. So in this last episode, I’m really going to recap.

The Holistic Fertility Method

So in this last episode, I actually want to introduce you into my program called the Holistic Fertility Method. This is a four month group coaching program, and I want to tell you all about it because I know that it’s going to help you so much. The program really has four different phases. So in the first month, we’re really focused on your fertility diet. We focus on blood sugar management and even send you your own continuous glucose monitor so that you can see exactly how the foods that you’re eating are impacting your blood sugar levels throughout the day. This has been so helpful for so many clients and really helps you connect exactly what you’re eating, how you’re moving, and how that impacts blood sugar. We already talked about how much blood sugar impacts ovulation, egg quality, all of those things. And so that is why we focus the first month dialing in your blood sugar completely the second month and the third month, we dive more into the functional labs.

So we include a GI Map stool test and an HtMa, the hair tissue mineral analysis inside the program price. So you’re getting these two different labs, and once we have your lab results back, you get a personalized, tailored protocol based on your lab. So whether you’re dealing with digestive issues, low energy acne, hormone imbalances, these two labs are really what I start every client on because they can give us so much detailed information to start getting you wins really fast. So that’s happening in month two and month three, and the last month is really to give you that time to integrate everything altogether. We include weekly education modules, so in between our monthly group coaching calls, you have access to weekly modules that go through fertility, nutrition, egg quality, ovulation, sperm quality, detoxing, environmental toxins. So much education is put in there because I know that from personal experience, when I understand the why behind something, I’m more likely to do it. So not only are we giving you the lab test, the continuous glucose monitor, the education, but we’re also having monthly coaching calls where you can ask your questions, you get the support, and you also get the support of everyone else inside of the community. We also include monthly guest experts.

So we actually just had our first guest expert last week where she led us through Yoga nidra and every month is a different theme or a different person that’s meant to help support nervous system regulation. We talked a lot about in this podcast how stress can impact your fertility. And that is something that I know I have experienced, I know so many of my clients have experienced, and really giving you all of the support that you could possibly need inside this container was my goal for creating the Holistic fertility method. So at this point, you’re probably really excited about it and maybe you’re wondering, is it worth it? We talked about how IVF can sometimes feel like it’s a guarantee when in fact it’s really not a guarantee. It costs tens of thousands of dollars. It includes a variety of different hormones and medications and procedures and is really intensive not only financially, but physically, mentally and emotionally. And I want to say and I want to tell you that IVF is not your only option. Obviously I would never tell you that I can guarantee that you get pregnant, not or the best IVF doctor in the world couldn’t promise you that either.

Prioritize Your Health: Accelerate Fertility and Enhance IVF Outcomes

But I will say that by investing in your health in this way, you are going to not only accelerate your fertility timeline, but in the situation, if you do need IVF, you’re going to set yourself up for such a better outcome. If you are someone that values personalized care and personalized nutrition, then this service is for you. If you value a great experience and you want a health practitioner that is communicative, attentive and looking out for your best interests, then this program is for you. If you value quality and attention to detail, this service is for you. And if you value putting yourself first and prioritizing your health as the mother, then this program and this service is for you. 95% of our clients report that their investment was worthwhile. And I share this stat really proudly because I care so deeply about our clients, not just their health outcomes, but also who they are and what they value and what their dreams are and how they show up for themselves. And as mothers, I’ve worked with women across the health spectrum.

Women who have polycystic ovarian syndrome, women who have women who have endometriosis, women who have unexplained infertility, women who have had previous miscarriages. Women who have never gotten pregnant, people who women who have had failed IVF cycles, women who have irregular periods or very painful periods, women who have hypothyroid, women who have graves disease. You name it. I’ve worked with someone who’s in the exact same situation that you are in right in this very moment. So if you’ve binged these episodes, I want you to take a moment right now and just imagine your life six months from now? What would that look like if you made the decision to join the Holistic Fertility Method today? Just imagine for a second feel those feelings and saying yes to your health, to your fertility. What would it look like? Try to bring that picture into your mind right now and not just what this is going to do for you, but how it’s going to impact everyone around you as well. What are you telling yourself six months from now? Are you so proud of yourself? Are you celebrating yourself for putting yourself first? How has your life changed? How has your health changed? I want you to notice and think about and really envision this life and who you are and who you have become as part of this processed. If you’ve binged these episodes, you listen to our stories and you’re going back and forth on whether or not you should move forward, I think that’s an excellent sign.

Chances are you’re going back and forth because you know there’s a need for this program and for this service in your life right now. And I want to tell you that there is a special bonus available to you specifically from coming from the podcast. So if you pause this episode, you go to the link in the show notes, go to Wellspringnutrition co HFM. You can enter the code podcastfertility and that will get you a special bonus on the program, the Holistic Fertility method and our next cohort will be in a few months. But the difference between joining now or later is just making that decision to start right now. So as soon as you sign up, you will get your continuous glucose monitor and your lab work sent to you so that you can actually do those labs and have it sent back and have it all ready to go by the time day one of the program starts. So just head to the website, head to the link in Bio. You’ll see when the next live cohort will begin.

But you can actually get started and put your deposit down today. So if you’ve been waiting for a sign to finally get in control of your health and your fertility and make the decision to invest in your own health, then this is the sign that you’ve been waiting for. It’s all possible and it’s all here for you. And you are so worthy and deserving of this. You’re worthy and deserving of feeling your absolute best and feeling nourished and whole prior to pregnancy, during pregnancy, and especially after pregnancy as a mother. So if you’ve enjoyed this podcast series, I want to thank you so much for listening, for taking your time to hear more about what I do. And I can’t wait to see your name inside the Holistic Fertility method. If you have any questions you’re thinking about, it, definitely reach out to me on Instagram and we can chat more about it.

But you can just head to Wellspringnutrition.co HFM and put your deposit in for the next live Cohort. Get everything ready and started. Today is the day. Thank you so much for listening. Bye. Thank you so much for listening. It’s been an absolute pleasure recording this podcast, and I can’t wait to hear your feedback, and I can’t wait to connect with you more inside of the program. Bye.

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Episode 6: Transform Your Health and Fertility with the Holistic Fertility Method

Episode 6: Transform Your Health and Fertility with the Holistic Fertility Method

Episode 6: Transform Your Health and Fertility with the Holistic Fertility Method