Like many of my clients and readers, I was given hormonal birth control with absolutely no discussion on the side effects of the pill. I was handed the pill and never really thought twice about it. I just knew it gave me a “regular” period and would help me protect against an unwanted pregnancy. It was only in my THIRTIES that I discovered how the pill depletes certain nutrients, affects mood, weight, and so much more. If you’re curious about which nutrients are depleted on hormonal birth control, then keep reading on.
Found in foods such as eggs, seafood, meat, nuts, seeds, beans and whole grains. Zinc plays an important role in both egg and sperm health.
Found in foods such as avocado, banana, seafood, green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds. Magnesium plays an important role in sleep, bone health and our muscles ability to relax.
Found in foods such as oranges, broccoli, kiwi fruit and guava. Vitamin C is a valuable antioxidant that keeps our eggs and sperm protected from oxidative stress caused by free radicals.
Found in green leafy vegetables and fortified breads and cereals. Folate is essential when trying to conceive and helps to prevent the formation of neural tube defects in early pregnancy.
Found in foods such as Brazil nuts, meats and seafood. Selenium plays a valuable role in our thyroid function and helps to prevent sperm from mutating or becoming damaged.
Found in eggs, meats and dairy products. Vitamin B2 is a common nutrient depleted when on the pill and is often the culprit behind those pesky headaches!
Found in foods like breads and cereals. Vitamin B6 is commonly depleted in those taking the pill. It plays an important role in fertility and the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.
Found in foods such as fish, beef, and fortified cereals. B12 is essential for healthy cell formation, a must when trying to conceive.
Ideally you would want to ensure that these levels are checked and corrected where necessary before you start thinking about conceiving to ensure a healthy baby and pregnancy. You can start a prenatal, a few months before coming off the pill to help with the transition of coming off.
Let’s face it, coming off the pill can be a scary thought and can lead to some not so nice side-effects including:
Supporting your body through nutrition can be a great way to make the transition easier.
Looking for more support with your fertility? Book your free 30 minute 1:1 strategy call with me to learn how I can support you using functional nutrition, specialty lab testing, and targeted supplements. Can’t wait to speak to you!
PCOS or Polycystic ovary syndrome is a medical condition that impacts a woman’s hormone levels. Keep reading to learn everything you’ve wanted to know about PCOS.
Those with PCOS typically produce more of the male sex hormones which can lead to:
Polycystic ovarian syndrome can also cause a range of symptoms including:
There are four main types of PCOS that we commonly see.
1. Insulin resistant PCOS
This is the most common type of PCOS. We can determine that you have insulin resistant PCOS by looking at your circulating insulin levels.
2️. Pill-induced PCOS
Unfortunately, birth control can mask PCOS and may cause symptoms once we stop taking it. When we cease birth control, there is a flood of androgens which while temporary which can cause a range of symptoms associated with PCOS.
3️. Inflammatory PCOS
Chronic inflammation in our body can see our ovaries produce too much testosterone, which we know is a common issue in PCOS!
4. Adrenal PCOS
If our bodies respond to stress in an abnormal way, we can see adrenal PCOS as a result. It is not as common, only making up around 10% of all PCOS cases. This diagnosis will see high levels of DHEAS (an androgen produced in the adrenal glands) and normal levels of other androgens.
A PCOS diagnosis is typically made by your medical team if you have at least two out of these three symptoms:
Your doctor may also:
In your quest to learn everything you’ve wanted to know about your PCOS, it’s important to consider labs! There are several helpful labs that you can ask your doctor to request if you suspect you have PCOS or if you want to gain a clearer picture of how well you are currently managing your PCOS.
There are several hormones which may be contributing to your PCOS and are responsible for your symptoms including:
It’s also helpful to understand your blood sugar levels and whether insulin resistance is an issue for you. You can ask your doctor to check your:
Inflammation can be common in those with PCOS and thankfully with dietary and lifestyle changes, we can reduce this if we know it is an issue. As your doctor to check your:
Metformin (a commonly prescribed PCOS medication) can cause B12 deficiencies, so ensure that you doctor screens for this in your bloods also!
There are two main ways in which PCOS impacts upon your menstrual cycle.
Given that PCOS disrupts your ability to have a normal menstrual cycle, it can also potentially impact upon your ability to get pregnant. It is estimated that between 70-80% of women diagnosed with PCOS struggle with infertility at some point.
The changes in hormone levels can also increase your risk of complications arising during your pregnancy including:
Thankfully dietary and lifestyle changes considerably improve your chances of conception and having a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby!
The good news is that there are many aspects of your lifestyle that can be altered that can significantly improve the free androgen index (FAI), in addition to your weight and BMI.
Aim to balance your blood sugar levels and manage your insulin resistance
Consider supplements
Manage your stress
Drink enough water
Get plenty of sleep
Avoid endocrine disrupting chemicals
Endocrine disrupting chemicals are found in:
Learn more about endocrine disruptors here.
The research on magnesium supplementation is not concrete at present. Some studies suggest that magnesium may play a role in improving insulin resistance due to its links to glucose metabolism.
Inositol is often combined with metformin and can help to enhance:
Berberine is known for having several functions including:
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)
NAC is an antioxidant compound which reduces the number of free radicals that can damage cells in our body.
NAC is associated with:
You may be thinking – I don’t need to work with a fertility dietitian / nutritionist, I already eat pretty healthy (weekend margs don’t count right?), I exercise, drink my green juices … and besides, I can get any nutrition information I really need through Google.
Well, my friend… I’m here to break down five benefits of working with a fertility dietitian nutritionist, specifically one that works in a functional nutrition capacity. I think some of these may surprise you!
Okay, we all have our issues with food. To say that eating is not emotional… well it’s just not what I’ve seen in my practice and in life. We all eat emotionally from time to time, even if it’s happy emotions like birthday cake, or holiday meals.
But when our relationship to food becomes restrictive or consumes our thoughts, it’s time to work with a professional who understands what you’re going through.
For many women struggling with fertility, food can be very time consuming. We’re told not to eat gluten or dairy or cut out coffee completely. We’ve heard of different fertility diets, and can easily spiral into the trap of thinking that every bite we take is going to either get us pregnant or leave us feeling miserable.
Working with a fertility dietitian that can help you set up your meals in a way that supports your fertility, but also leaves room for enjoyment is key. I mean, what is a life without pizza anyway?
Raise your hand if you’ve ever tried to take on a new hobby or something to improve yourself only to find yourself giving up a few weeks later? 👋🏼
A few years ago, I decided I wanted to take up surfing – I bought a foam board off Craigslist, rented a wet suit, and out I went into the ocean. As I splashed around the water, and even got tumbled by some waves I felt exhilarated by the cold Pacific ocean and glimmer of water in the sun.
Maybe I went out a few more times, but soon enough, I lost momentum. I didn’t have anyone to go with, no one to learn some new moves with or a partner to go with before or after work.
We all have the best of intentions when we start something new. But having accountability is key. And your dietitian is always going to keep you accountable to what you said you wanted for yourself.
When you work with a functional nutrition dietitian (hey, hello!) – you’re likely going to be introduced to some new functional lab tests. Tests like the DUTCH hormone test, GI MAP stool test, Spectracell micronutrient testing, food sensitivity testing and more.
The reason for this is because you’ve likely already had some conventional lab tests done in the past. The problem with this is that you’re still trying to get pregnant and have no answers. By the way… “unexplained infertility” is not an answer.
This is where a deeper dive into your gut, hormones, and nutrient levels is so important. For example, most people don’t realize that they’re probably deficient in vitamin D – a key vitamin (that acts as a hormone) needed for fertility.
Or maybe you’ve had heavy periods your whole life, but didn’t realize that your messed up gut health is actually impacting your estrogen levels, causing you to put on weight, and have heavy painful periods.
Working with a functional nutrition dietitian is going to be key to understanding the root cause of your issues.
One of the most common hormone disrupting conditions for women of reproductive age is PCOS. It can feel really scary when you get the diagnosis and you may think you’ll never be able to get pregnant without hormone therapy – WRONG. Just wrong.
Instead of jumping to medications and pills, you can work with a fertility dietitian who will help you manage your diet and lifestyle specifically for PCOS, so that you can have regular periods, and optimize your chances of getting pregnant naturally.
PCOS is not a death sentence, and there are plenty of women with the condition who get pregnant (and have healthy pregnancies) without assistive reproductive technology.
Well, good on you girl for being uber prepared for pregnancy.
Did you know that the best time to start taking prenatal vitamins and working on your diet is actually 6 months BEFORE you plan to start trying?
Working with a fertility dietitian is going to be huge for you, because you’re making sure you get all the nutrients you and baby need, so by the time that first trimester rolls in and all you want is bagels and crackers- you’ve already stored up the necessary nutrients to ensure baby is getting everything they need.
So tell me, which one applies to you? If you’re thinking you might benefit from working with a fertility dietitian, book your free discovery call with me today.
We’ll talk through what your goals are and how I might be able to help you on your journey towards becoming a mama.
This free playbook provides specific actionable tips to get started on your fertility journey, as well as what to avoid while you're trying to conceive.
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