PCOS or Polycystic ovary syndrome is a medical condition that impacts a woman’s hormone levels. Keep reading to learn everything you’ve wanted to know about PCOS.
Those with PCOS typically produce more of the male sex hormones which can lead to:
Polycystic ovarian syndrome can also cause a range of symptoms including:
There are four main types of PCOS that we commonly see.
1. Insulin resistant PCOS
This is the most common type of PCOS. We can determine that you have insulin resistant PCOS by looking at your circulating insulin levels.
2️. Pill-induced PCOS
Unfortunately, birth control can mask PCOS and may cause symptoms once we stop taking it. When we cease birth control, there is a flood of androgens which while temporary which can cause a range of symptoms associated with PCOS.
3️. Inflammatory PCOS
Chronic inflammation in our body can see our ovaries produce too much testosterone, which we know is a common issue in PCOS!
4. Adrenal PCOS
If our bodies respond to stress in an abnormal way, we can see adrenal PCOS as a result. It is not as common, only making up around 10% of all PCOS cases. This diagnosis will see high levels of DHEAS (an androgen produced in the adrenal glands) and normal levels of other androgens.
A PCOS diagnosis is typically made by your medical team if you have at least two out of these three symptoms:
Your doctor may also:
In your quest to learn everything you’ve wanted to know about your PCOS, it’s important to consider labs! There are several helpful labs that you can ask your doctor to request if you suspect you have PCOS or if you want to gain a clearer picture of how well you are currently managing your PCOS.
There are several hormones which may be contributing to your PCOS and are responsible for your symptoms including:
It’s also helpful to understand your blood sugar levels and whether insulin resistance is an issue for you. You can ask your doctor to check your:
Inflammation can be common in those with PCOS and thankfully with dietary and lifestyle changes, we can reduce this if we know it is an issue. As your doctor to check your:
Metformin (a commonly prescribed PCOS medication) can cause B12 deficiencies, so ensure that you doctor screens for this in your bloods also!
There are two main ways in which PCOS impacts upon your menstrual cycle.
Given that PCOS disrupts your ability to have a normal menstrual cycle, it can also potentially impact upon your ability to get pregnant. It is estimated that between 70-80% of women diagnosed with PCOS struggle with infertility at some point.
The changes in hormone levels can also increase your risk of complications arising during your pregnancy including:
Thankfully dietary and lifestyle changes considerably improve your chances of conception and having a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby!
The good news is that there are many aspects of your lifestyle that can be altered that can significantly improve the free androgen index (FAI), in addition to your weight and BMI.
Aim to balance your blood sugar levels and manage your insulin resistance
Consider supplements
Manage your stress
Drink enough water
Get plenty of sleep
Avoid endocrine disrupting chemicals
Endocrine disrupting chemicals are found in:
Learn more about endocrine disruptors here.
The research on magnesium supplementation is not concrete at present. Some studies suggest that magnesium may play a role in improving insulin resistance due to its links to glucose metabolism.
Inositol is often combined with metformin and can help to enhance:
Berberine is known for having several functions including:
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)
NAC is an antioxidant compound which reduces the number of free radicals that can damage cells in our body.
NAC is associated with:
If you’ve read my other posts about how gut health is so important for fertility, then you’re probably wondering how you can approach the process of healing. Enter: the 5R Framework for Gut Healing.
*While I recommend working with a health practitioner to help guide you through this process, I thought I’d break down a very popular approach to healing the gut. Please know that an individualized approach is best when trying to heal digestive issues.
Dysfunction of one’s GI system can have a downward spiral effect on overall health. From a functional lens we recognize the interconnectedness between:
Going beyond just poor digestion, the gut brings the whole body in balance. The gut is the body’s second brain and is ground zero for our immune system.
The GI track makes 75% of neurotransmitters, contains ⅔ of immune tissues, contains 10x more cells than rest of body combined, houses genome 100x larger than human genome, and has a metabolic activity greater than the liver.
Of course, with the diet. Our gut health depends on eating a nutrient-dense diet, full of fiber, and diversity (think about getting 30 different plant sources of food per week!)
You can’t expect to feel like a million bucks if you’re eating from the dollar menu.
Eating a Standard American Diet (SAD) puts you at higher risk for a leaky gut (intestinal permeability) and dysbiosis. If you’re eating junk, you probably feel like junk, just sayin.
Other things that impact gut health are antibiotics, infection, genetics, sleeping habits, environmental toxins, stress, and exercise.
This step is really not about losing weight, calorie restriction, or removing food groups just for the sake of it. This is about identifying food sensitivities and triggers, honoring your body’s hunger cues, and really about the QUALITY of fuel you’re eating.
This stage is about a supportive reintroduction of beneficial GI microflora (pre-biotics, probiotics, etc.) to achieve a more desirable balance to intestinal microbiome.
Some people may find out that they have too much of one type of bacteria, and not enough of another. Doing a GI MAP functional gut health test is an excellent way of identifying this.
Also, include more fermented and cultured foods into the diet to add more beneficial bacteria.
This step is all about providing nutritional support for healing and regeneration of the GI mucosa. Some things to consider would be:
The last step is all about rebalancing- this means anything from scheduling relaxation time, to eating more mindfully and reducing stress.
Other helpful techniques include yoga, meditation, breath-work or psychotherapy. In fact, a recent study showed that when looking at hypnotherapy compared to the low FODMAP diet, they both had similar results for people with IBS.
Similarly, a study looking at 12 weeks of the low FODMAP diet vs. 12 weeks of gut-directed yoga therapy found that the yoga flow had similar outcomes as the low FODMAP diet, which is considered the gold standard diet for people with IBS.
This research is still new and emerging, but stress no doubt plays a huge role in gut health.
Please Note: The information on this website is provided for educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare practitioners before undertaking any changes in your diet or adding supplements.
Intestinal Microbiome in Irritable Bowel Syndrome before and after Gut-Directed Hypnotherapy. (2018) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30453528
Hypnotherapy Provides IBS Relief (2019) https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2722766
Randomised clinical trial: yoga vs a low-FODMAP diet in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (2018) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29076171
If you’ve ever heard that the gut is like the second brain, then you probably know that our gut health impacts our overall health, especially for fertility. Research has found that the gut microbiome impacts our digestion, immunity, metabolic and neuroendocrine functions, sleep, stress and so much more.
The GI MAP is a functional lab test that does a comprehensive analysis of your gut health. It looks at parasites, bacteria, fungi, inflammation markers, digestive enzymes and much more, and does so by targeting specific DNA of the organisms it tests.
The test looks at the DNA of pathogenic organisms like bacteria and viruses, but also the beneficial organisms (ie good bacteria) and the opportunistic bacteria as well.
The test looks at the specific genomes of these organisms that reside in the intestinal ecology. It’s a “Quantitate DNA test” – or real time test – which differentiates this test from other tests on the market.
The GI-MAP will actually measure how much of each strain exists in the gut, rather than just looking at a percentage.
Many of the consumer facing microbiome tests don’t actually give you a full picture of what’s happening in the gut – they don’t count bacteria or parasites present.
In fact, I’ve taken one of those tests in the past and just felt like I didn’t have any more answers to my questions.
The GI MAP is used by clinicians and provides the most comprehensive analysis of the gut microbiome compared to any other gut health test on the market. If you’re looking for real answers – test, don’t guess.
Some conditions that could benefit from taking a GI Map stool test would be someone with:
I’ll be spending the next few weeks talking about how gut health impacts fertility, but there are a few high level concepts when it comes to the connection between fertility and gut health:
1. Hormone Balance- your gut directly plays a role in balancing the levels of estrogen in your body. If you suspect you have estrogen dominance, taking a comprehensive stool test would be a good place to start investigating.
2. Inflammation- your gut can cause some serious inflammation in the rest of your body. I love that the GI MAP can test for Zonulin, which is a marker of intestinal permeability or “leaky gut.” When toxins from the GI tract can leak into the bloodstream, this causes an immune response by the body, and triggers inflammation. When we work on fertility issues, the broad goal is to reduce overall inflammation so the body can prioritize reproductive health.
3. Insulin Resistance – A 2012 study found that dysbiosis and intestinal permeability impacted insulin levels, which then affected egg and sperm development.
The researchers also found that leaky gut and inflammation was a common cause of PCOS, and that insulin disruption was the most common cause for menstrual disruption and problems with ovulation.
The test needs to be ordered by a qualified practitioner, such as myself. Interpreting the results requires understanding of gut bacteria, functional gastrointestinal health and experience dealing with dysbiosis or microbiome imbalances.
Interested to learn more? Book a free discovery call with me here to learn how we can use functional lab testing to address fertility.
If you suspect leaky gut or experiencing some of the symptoms listed above, we can discuss some options for you and work on your nutrition and lifestyle together to improve your microbiome.
1:1 Coaching: Let’s hop on a call to discuss what working together could look like & determine if we are a good fit
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You may be thinking – I don’t need to work with a fertility dietitian / nutritionist, I already eat pretty healthy (weekend margs don’t count right?), I exercise, drink my green juices … and besides, I can get any nutrition information I really need through Google.
Well, my friend… I’m here to break down five benefits of working with a fertility dietitian nutritionist, specifically one that works in a functional nutrition capacity. I think some of these may surprise you!
Okay, we all have our issues with food. To say that eating is not emotional… well it’s just not what I’ve seen in my practice and in life. We all eat emotionally from time to time, even if it’s happy emotions like birthday cake, or holiday meals.
But when our relationship to food becomes restrictive or consumes our thoughts, it’s time to work with a professional who understands what you’re going through.
For many women struggling with fertility, food can be very time consuming. We’re told not to eat gluten or dairy or cut out coffee completely. We’ve heard of different fertility diets, and can easily spiral into the trap of thinking that every bite we take is going to either get us pregnant or leave us feeling miserable.
Working with a fertility dietitian that can help you set up your meals in a way that supports your fertility, but also leaves room for enjoyment is key. I mean, what is a life without pizza anyway?
Raise your hand if you’ve ever tried to take on a new hobby or something to improve yourself only to find yourself giving up a few weeks later? 👋🏼
A few years ago, I decided I wanted to take up surfing – I bought a foam board off Craigslist, rented a wet suit, and out I went into the ocean. As I splashed around the water, and even got tumbled by some waves I felt exhilarated by the cold Pacific ocean and glimmer of water in the sun.
Maybe I went out a few more times, but soon enough, I lost momentum. I didn’t have anyone to go with, no one to learn some new moves with or a partner to go with before or after work.
We all have the best of intentions when we start something new. But having accountability is key. And your dietitian is always going to keep you accountable to what you said you wanted for yourself.
When you work with a functional nutrition dietitian (hey, hello!) – you’re likely going to be introduced to some new functional lab tests. Tests like the DUTCH hormone test, GI MAP stool test, Spectracell micronutrient testing, food sensitivity testing and more.
The reason for this is because you’ve likely already had some conventional lab tests done in the past. The problem with this is that you’re still trying to get pregnant and have no answers. By the way… “unexplained infertility” is not an answer.
This is where a deeper dive into your gut, hormones, and nutrient levels is so important. For example, most people don’t realize that they’re probably deficient in vitamin D – a key vitamin (that acts as a hormone) needed for fertility.
Or maybe you’ve had heavy periods your whole life, but didn’t realize that your messed up gut health is actually impacting your estrogen levels, causing you to put on weight, and have heavy painful periods.
Working with a functional nutrition dietitian is going to be key to understanding the root cause of your issues.
One of the most common hormone disrupting conditions for women of reproductive age is PCOS. It can feel really scary when you get the diagnosis and you may think you’ll never be able to get pregnant without hormone therapy – WRONG. Just wrong.
Instead of jumping to medications and pills, you can work with a fertility dietitian who will help you manage your diet and lifestyle specifically for PCOS, so that you can have regular periods, and optimize your chances of getting pregnant naturally.
PCOS is not a death sentence, and there are plenty of women with the condition who get pregnant (and have healthy pregnancies) without assistive reproductive technology.
Well, good on you girl for being uber prepared for pregnancy.
Did you know that the best time to start taking prenatal vitamins and working on your diet is actually 6 months BEFORE you plan to start trying?
Working with a fertility dietitian is going to be huge for you, because you’re making sure you get all the nutrients you and baby need, so by the time that first trimester rolls in and all you want is bagels and crackers- you’ve already stored up the necessary nutrients to ensure baby is getting everything they need.
So tell me, which one applies to you? If you’re thinking you might benefit from working with a fertility dietitian, book your free discovery call with me today.
We’ll talk through what your goals are and how I might be able to help you on your journey towards becoming a mama.
I thought I’d write this post out to clear up any confusion you may have. Maybe you’ve heard of what a dietitian does, and maybe you’ve heard of fertility specialists – but perhaps this is the first time you’ve heard of a fertility dietitian.
So here we go. I’m going to break down exactly what a dietitian is, what we do, and how we work on fertility. I’m also going to talk about my unique approach with integrative and functional nutrition, as well as what you can expect from your first call with me.
An RD, or Registered Dietitian, is someone who has at minimum a bachelor’s degree in nutrition or dietetics and 1200 clinical training hours. RDs must pass a comprehensive national exam (in the United States) and have continuing education hours every year to ensure we remain current on the latest science, research and best practices.
Only a person who has met these stringent requirements can use the title “Dietitian.” In 2020, the requirement to be a dietitian will also require a Master’s degree.
Becoming an RD requires completing a rigorous academic program that includes courses in food science, clinical dietetics, community nutrition, lifecycle nutrition, medical nutrition therapy, education methodology, biochemistry, microbiology, social sciences, human anatomy and physiology, and other culinary and nutrition-related classes.
As a side note, my undergraduate degree was not at all science related – in fact, I studied International Relations and my career prior to becoming a dietitian was in international development and anti-hunger policy work!
A nutritionist, is not a regulated term, and thus anyone can call themselves one. Because of this, the nutrition world has become saturated with misinformation. You could take a 6 week course online and reasonably call yourself a nutritionist.
Now, I know this is super confusing, especially because as dietitians, we ARE nutritionists – meaning we can provide nutrition information to individuals and communities, but we also can provide medical nutrition therapy in a hospital or acute setting (think feeding tubes, diabetic diets, diets for specific disease states like heart disease, renal disease, or cancer). A nutritionist cannot do this.
Formal training and credentials are vital for achieving your nutrition and health goals, as what may work for one person, could be ineffective or even harmful to another. That’s why working with a Registered Dietitian is so important.
A fertility dietitian is an RD who specializes in helping women (and men) optimize their diet for fertility. Women with specific hormonal imbalances such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) can benefit from working with a fertility dietitian, or those who have been trying to conceive for 6 months or more with no results.
A fertility dietitian will tailor a program specifically for you – whether that means weight management to reach a healthy BMI, reduce insulin resistance, balance hormones, support egg health, regulate cycles, or work on more in-depth conditions such as IBS, Crohn’s, or Hypothyroidism.
In my own practice, I take an integrative and functional approach to nutrition, utilizing specific lab tests to get to the root cause of your fertility struggles.
Functional nutrition is a component of functional medicine, which is a framework that some doctors use to address the root cause of a disease. It is a model that looks at the whole patient (mind, spirit, body) and works WITH the patient together to address underlying causes of disease by evaluating biological systems.
Functional nutrition “emphasizes the importance of high-quality foods and phytonutrient diversity to address clinical imbalances and move people to the highest expression of health.” (Institute of Functional Medicine – https://www.ifm.org/learning-center/introduction-to-functional-nutrition/).
The main difference between a functional approach to fertility vs. a conventional approach is that a functional approach will look at the underlying issue (starting to recognize a pattern?)
A functional nutrition approach to fertility will look at why your hormones are off balance, what body systems are off, how inflammation impacts fertility, gut health, sleep, stress, and much more. We work with you to uncover the root cause of your fertility struggles, rather than prescribing synthetic hormones to mask the problem.
Conversely, a conventional approach to fertility would likely include a prescription for hormone replacement therapy such as Clomid or Letrazole, either IUI or IVF, often including several rounds of each. While IVF has about a 40% success rate (and costs tens of thousands of dollars), it also does nothing to address the root cause behind what was going on before.
If you’re looking to address the underlying issue and prefer a more holistic and natural approach, then functional fertility nutrition is for you.
During your introduction call we’ll discuss you’re eating patterns, medical history, any blood tests or procedures you’ve had, discuss your medications and supplements, sleep patterns, stress levels, menstrual cycle, and bowel movements. The goal is to get a pretty complete picture in order to know which treatment protocol is right for you.
We’ll also discuss your specific health goals, which can range from regulating menstrual cycles, weight loss, improving energy, reducing PMS symptoms, and of course – getting pregnant.
After our first call, I’ll send over your treatment proposal and suggest certain functional lab tests to help uncover some of the root causes behind your symptoms. The reason I weave in functional lab testing into all my programs is because it allows me to give you a specific, customized recommendation for you – rather than a broad approach.
If you’re interested in scheduling a free 30 minute discovery call – you can do so right here, to see if we’re a good fit to work together.
So, what questions do you have? Leave a comment below and let me know!
If you’re like most of my clients, you’ve probably already spent a lot of time googling at 3am what foods you should be eating to get pregnant. Maybe you’re googling at 3am right now looking for the perfect fertility diet. If you have, welcome.
I know how frustrating it can be to sift through the internet to find information that is not only useful, but also legitimate. Maybe you’re just starting out on this fertility journey, or perhaps you’ve been trying to conceive for 6 months, a year, or longer. Wherever you are in your journey, I know that following these three simple steps will greatly help you to realizing your dreams of becoming a mother.
I should preface this post by saying that there is no one “perfect diet” for every single person on the planet. As I’m sure you know, what works for your girlfriend would be torture for you. Some of my clients eat three meals/day, others eat six mini meals – some do better on low carb, and others need to have meat every day.
However, there are three basic components to my perfect fertility diet that will work for everyone, regardless of your individual needs. Of course, working with a Registered Dietitian will be the best way to get individualized recommendations based on your hormones, gut health, and nutrient needs. [If you’re interested in working with a dietitian specializing in fertility nutrition – book your free discovery call with me here.]
While there are certain foods you can emphasize throughout your fertility journey, you also want to think about your diet as a whole – meaning how to pair foods together for optimum nutrient absorption, breakdown of macros, and balancing blood sugar and hormones.
I’m going to break this down for you in 3 easy steps. Alright, let’s get right into your perfect fertility diet plan.
When you’re eating a carb source like a sweet potato, rice, or quinoa you want to make sure you’re not eating that carb alone. Or as Lily Nichols says, you don’t want to be eating a “naked carb.”
This goes for things like fruit too. Yes, fruit are healthy sources of carbs and fiber and you should definitely be including them in your diet, but just make sure you’re pairing your fruit or any other carb with a protein and/or fat source.
The reason for this is because you want to avoid spiking and crashing your blood sugar throughout the day. If you’re eating just oatmeal by itself for example, even though oats have fiber, it’s often too many carbs all at once.
This simple graph illustrates the point. When you eat just carbohydrates, there is a fast response – the carbs are broken down into sugar, causing the amount of sugar in your blood to spike. In response, the hormone insulin is released to quickly deal with all the sugar, and carries it into your cells to be used for energy. The result is a sharp decrease in blood sugar (the red line on the graph).
If you’ve ever eaten breakfast and then 30 minutes later you’re still hungry, this is probably what happened. By adding in a healthy fat source or protein, you’re slowing that process down (as seen above). You’re allowing a more slow release that will keep you fuller for longer, and won’t send your body in a cascade of disrupting your hormones.
So how does blood sugar spikes relate to the perfect fertility diet? Well, when you are eating in a pattern of spiking your blood sugar throughout the day, every day – this tends to cause more inflammation in your body. The ultimate goal of a fertility diet plan is to decrease as much inflammation in the body as we can, in order to make it an environment suitable for reproduction.
Furthermore, all carbohydrates (even healthy ones) raise blood sugar, which increase insulin, which increases testosterone, and can lead to irregular cycles – especially if you have PCOS. So if you’re dealing with irregular, long cycles – you’ll definitely want to start putting this into practice.
1 Medium Apple | 1-2 Tbsp Nut Butter |
5 Whole Grain Crackers | 1-2 Hardboiled Eggs |
1 Cup Cantaloupe | 2 oz Cottage Cheese |
¾ Cup Berries | 6-8oz Plain Greek Yogurt |
2 Tbsp Dried Fruit | 12-15 Almonds |
Vegetable recommendations from a dietitian – I know, shocking. But eating enough vegetables throughout the day is KEY to your perfect fertility diet plan.
When you’re trying to conceive, it’s a super energy-intensive process that requires a flood of vitamins and nutrients. This is why I emphasize vegetables at every single meal. And if you think about it, the general requirement is at least 6-12 servings of vegetables per day.
Most people are not getting nearly this much. So if you start thinking about your plate as starting with vegetables and then adding in other components you’re likely to be getting more of those veggie servings.
Some ideas would be leafy greens like spinach and kale, zucchini, bok choy, and so many others. All these vegetables are going to help with your fiber intake as well, which will help keep you regular and keep your digestive track healthy.
What I mean by this is – if you’re including meat into your diet, be sure to choose organic grass-fed meats, pasture-raised organic eggs, and line-caught or wild-caught seafood. This is definitely going to be more expensive, but you’re also avoiding all of the hormones, antibiotics and other sh*t that is pumped into our food supply.
Now, if you can’t afford to do this all the time, I would recommend eating it less often, and instead choosing plant proteins like lentils or beans to help boost your protein intake. Canned tuna or salmon from brands like SafeCatch or WildPlanet are also really affordable options too.
Most women do not get enough protein, and especially if you’re vegan you’re likely not getting enough.
So to recap:
1. Don’t eat naked carbs – always pair your carbs with a fat or protein
2. Make the majority of your meals vegetables
3. Choose organic and high quality protein
Remember, what you eat now will affect the health of your baby, so you want to choose wisely as often as you can. This doesn’t mean you need to stress out about it. In fact, reducing your stress if part of an overall fertility plan that I recommend with my clients.
If you’re looking for a more individualized approach to your fertility nutrition plan, and are serious about getting pregnant naturally – let’s set up a free discovery call to see if we’re a good fit.
Remember, you are strong and you got this.
This free playbook provides specific actionable tips to get started on your fertility journey, as well as what to avoid while you're trying to conceive.
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